Knowledge Hub
Whether you’re an experienced property developer or taking on your first project, our aim is to help you get the most suitable finance, in the most effective way.
Over the years we have developed insights, know-how and tools which can be beneficial for developers. We've shared some of the best in our Knowledge Hub - please feel free to use these, and contact us if you have any questions or would like to discuss your financial requirements & where to raise funds for your next development.
We want to build long term relationships with our clients - it's never too early to contact us, and there's no such thing as a daft question. Drop us a line, and we'd be happy to explore how we can help.

Development Finance Calculator
What will it cost? How much can I raise for my development?
These are two of the most commons questions we get asked.
Why not use our free Development Finance Calculator to get an estimate and indication of what may be available.

PRS Suitability Calculator
Could your next site be suitable for Forward Sale or Forward funding from a PRS Investment Fund?
We have contacts with over 100+ funds and family offices. Our PRS Suitability calculator is based on their investment criteria, and can give you an indication of the suitability of your site for PRS.

Appraisal Spreadsheet
Looking for an appraisal template that covers the key element, and lenders will like?
Then download our free-to-use appraisal spreadsheet. Its accepted by many lenders on our panel as-is.
Download xls document

There's no point reinventing the wheel. Use our templates to help communicate your developments in the most effective way to lenders and agents.

Development Finance FAQs
Have a question? Want to know the difference between GDV and GIA? Then check out our Development Finance FAQs, or get in touch.

Affordable Housing - List of Registered Providers (RPs)
Larger sites, typically with 15+ units, will have an element of Affordable Housing stipulated by planning. We often see developers setting these at break-even in their appraisals.
However, you could do better than that. We recommend identifying 3 or 4 Registered Providers (RPs) active in your area, and contact them to discuss your site and what they would be prepared to pay.
Link goes to external Government website
Please get in touch via our contact form or by telephone if you have any questions. We are happy to discuss your financing needs as well as providing you with the relevant information and recommendations.